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The purpose of this Note To Brokers section is to initiate a dialog with institutional brokers, or retail brokers desirous of, transacting business with entities creating or intermediating commerce in the Global Economic Drivers.

First, I need to clarify that I am not a broker, an IB, a registered representative, an associated person, an FCM, or related in any way to any brokerage firm. I am simply a portfolio management and risk management consultant.

This section is organized with bookmarks and links to the following:


I believe the investment banking and brokerage (both cash and derivatives) business is experiencing, and will continue to experience, at an accelerating rate, disintermediation of its core business, i.e., the intermediation of transactions for a fee. What do I mean by disintermediation? I'll explain by way of relating to what happened in the banking and thrift industry in the mid-to-late 1970s - As interest rate levels, all along the yield curve, rose above the passbook savings and time certificate of deposit rates offered by the bank and thrift intermediaries, depositors began to systematically withdraw their funds and started buying T-Bills and other money market instruments directly from the issuers. This depositor action effectively disintermediated, or reduced, the traditional savings and deposit intermediaries, i.e., banks and thrifts role in managing the depositors' money. This banking and thrift disintermediation was brought on by systemic forces beyond the control of any given bank or thrift institution or manager. Therefore, to survive and prosper, individual bank and thrift institutions and managers had to adapt how they related to their clients to accommodate the interest rate environment and depositor preferences, as opposed to either ignoring or fighting the underlying disintermediation. Likewise, the disintermediation of the investment banking and brokerage industry today is a world wide phenomenon beyond the control of any given person or entity. Additionally, it is influencing how commerce is created and intermediated for all the Global Economic Drivers, and, at its core, is driven by the rapidly changing information processing and communications technologies that are be made available to virtually everyone. Furthermore, to survive and prosper, individual brokers are going to have to adapt to the environmental and client preference changes, rather than ignore or fight, because the change is inevitable and the brokerage and investment banking firms are adapting whether the individual broker is or not. Some of the more obvious conditions accompanying this round of disintermediation include:

The foregoing highlights two main challenges associated with attempting to develop and maintain institutional business in today's rapidly changing environment:

  1. Ever present need to ethically resolve the conflict between doing what is in the best interest of client vs. doing what it takes to satisfy the production pressures applied by the firm.
  2. Age-old time management challenge resulting from the day-to-day need to execute orders for existing clients vs. the long-term need to build better relationships with both existing and new clients.

I believe I can help resolve these conflicts in a manner that is mutually beneficial to you, your clients, and your firm. As a preliminary step in this process, I would appreciate you taking a few minutes to click on the Comments button and filling out the feedback form.

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The following is a list of brokers (with brief description and email address) with whom I have worked and in whom I have developed confidence that they consistently put the client's interest ahead of their own. By conducting themselves in this manner, I believe they advance their own interests in a professional, consistent and progressive manner.

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As you will notice in reading my background material, I have spent some time as an institutional broker for two Wall Street firms. This Wall Street experience, in combination with my experience as a portfolio manager and risk management consultant, has enabled me to developed an appreciation for the challenges faced by brokers attempting to develop and maintain an institutional book of business in today's rapidly changing environment. It is within this context that I make the foregoing observations, request your comments, and make this Free Offer of portfolio and risk management consulting services that you might find useful in working with your institutional clients.

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