Natural Gas Market Analysis
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The purpose of this Natural Gas Market Analysis page is to apply the Analytic Framework in such a way as to produce suitable Strategies&Tactics to facilitate the accomplishment of your portfolio and risk management objectives. Given the wide variety of natural gas markets, I have chosen to utilize the NYMEX futures market as a reasonably representative and liquid proxy market. Adjustments can be developed for individual markets and related basis and spread relationships.

This Natural Gas Market Analysis page is organized around the following linked pages:

NYNG swing statistics table and related commentary.
Current swing and oscillator charts and related commentary.
Historic swing and other charts and related commentary.
Strategies&Tactics suitable for Natural Gas producers, end-users, marketers, and traders.
Natural gas related links outside the Strategies&Tactics WebSite.

Email discussion group to facilitate the free exchange of useful information between Natural Gas producers, end-users, marketers, traders, and related entities.

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